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Q) Where is MACO located?A) We're located in Wauwatosa, WI which is a neighboring suburb of Milwaukee in southeastern part of Wisconsin, and about 2 hours north of Chicago, IL. Expansive Office is a co-working space across from Good City Brewing and the southeast corner of the Synergy apartment complex. Our address is: 11220 W Burleigh St STE 100 Wauwatosa, WI 53222
Q) Is MACO a direct lender?A) No, MACO Financial is a Mortgage Broker who specializes in non-bank type financing for real estate investors, and business owners. We have over 100 capital partners that we’ve built relationships with over the years, which allow us to quickly and efficiently provide you with multiple quotes within 24 hours.
Q) What types of financing options do you offer?A) We offer financing solutions for both real estate investors and business owners seeking capital for investment or business purpose. We do not offer any financing options for an owner-occupied residential property.
Q) What makes MACO different?A) In short, we love helping people, we love real estate, we love small business owners, and we love using leverage strategically to build wealth. This shows with our clients, and we hope this makes for an exceptional experience with everyone we work with. Beyond our passion to help investors, we also bring the following: Years of experience Long-term relationships with top lenders in the industry Responsiveness One stop-shop for non-bank financing options Transparency Efficiency
Q) Will MACO pull my credit?A) No. We will never pull credit to provide you with quotes. If you receive a quote from us that you wish to move forward with, you will likely have your credit pulled in processing by the lender we are moving forward with, but never before then.
Q) Do you offer 100% Financing?A) Yes - on a select-basis, 100% financing is available for Rehabbers and Developers only on short term programs where 100% financing makes sense, and where they qualify. We cannot offer 100% financing (or gap funding) on rental loans. We want to ensure profitability and security for our investor clients, and in our experience, we never see numbers work well for an investor when they are leveraged 100% LTV. It also puts an investor in a tough spot when and if they need to refinance, as most lenders will limit you to a 75% LTV on a refinance transaction, leaving you far over-leveraged on the property.
Q) How do you qualify applicants for 100% Financing?A) On a case-by-case basis, we may be able to offer Gap Funding for qualified investors. To qualify for Gap Funding, we will look at the applicants: Credit score (minimum 680 across all three credit bureaus), Income (We look to your past 2 years Personal Tax Returns for your net income / Adjusted Gross Income), your Debt-to-Income ratio (to qualify for Term Loans), and your overall credit utilization (to qualify for Business lines of credit). **Note, if more capital is required, multiple applicants may apply to obtain a greater funding amount. Each applicant would qualify on their own merit
Q) Are there property types you can’t finance?A) Yes, we do not finance gentlemen’s clubs (or any vice type properties). We otherwise have financing options for most property types, depending on the size and location of the property. Certain property types may be more difficult to offering funding options for in certain markets vs others.
Q) What if my property is vacant, is that okay?A) Yes! There are a number of options. If the property is rent-ready, but simply going through a vacancy, there are financing options that will refer to ‘market rents’ for that area to determine the estimated rental income to qualify for financing. This market rent analysis is obtained through an appraisal, including what's called a 1007 Rent Schedule (provided by the appraiser).
Q) What does DSCR stand for?A) DSCR stands for “Debt Service Coverage Ratio”. This is the key measure of an investment properties ability to repay the mortgage expenses, and is one of the key components in qualifying a long-term commercial/investment property mortgage. Many lenders will want to see a range of 1.0 - 1.35+ DSCR (1.20 being most common). What this is is for every $1.00 in expenses, they want to see $1.00 - $1.35 in gross rental income. Example: You have a mortgage payment of $2,000 /mo, a 1.0 DSCR calculation would mean the property receives gross rental income of $2,000 /mo. A 1.35 DSCR would mean the property receives gross rents of $2,700 /mo Usually, No expenses besides taxes, insurance or HOA dues are considered in calculating the DSCR with most lenders.
Q) What are the minimum and maximum loan amounts offered through MACO?A) On Real Estate transactions (secured) our lenders fund from $67,500 to $50,000,000+ depending on loan type and location. On business funding, our partner's funding amount ranges from $50,000 to $500,000.
Q) Do you need income docs?A) Not usually, no! Most lenders we work with are asset-based lenders who don't require Tax Returns, paystubs, W-2s etc. It will be based on the properties rental income to service the mortgage, this means an easier, streamlined process with faster turn times due to less complicated document. Exceptions to this would be SBA financing for businesses seeking to buy a property where they will occupy 51% of the SF for their own business.
Q) I'm a Foreign National, is that okay?A) Yes! We have helped many Foreign National investors with real estate transactions in the United States. Options and leverage may vary depending on your situation, please contact us to discuss at or call 414-600-0123.
Q) Do you lend against land?A) Sometimes, but only on new construction transactions where the vertical costs are also being financed. Typically, lenders will finance 50-65% of the cost of the land acquisition and up to 100% of the construction costs. We cannot offer financing options for raw land purchase without a construction component to the loan.
Q) Do you lend to first time investors?A) Yes! (Depending on the property type and loan type) We love working with first time investors as we enjoy educating you on all the financing options available in the market, and also walking through profitability on your projects. That said, New Construction projects due almost always require at least one completed project within the past 24 months, or a partner may be required. Also, some commercial properties may also require some prior experience, but it will always be a case-by-case basis.
Q) How do you qualify applicants for Business Funding?A) We are qualifying based on the applicants: Credit score (minimum 680 across all three credit bureaus), Income (We look to your past 2 years Personal Tax Returns for your net income / Adjusted Gross Income), your Debt-to-Income ratio (to qualify for Term Loans), and your overall credit utilization (to qualify for Business lines of credit). **Note, if more capital is required, multiple applicants may apply to obtain a greater funding amount. Each applicant would qualify on their own merit *** Note, for the Cannabis industry, we may qualify working capital based on your previous 24-mo gross revenue, to be verified with 2-3 years of Personal and Business Tax Returns
Q) Are there any restricted industries for startup funding?A) No. There are absolutely no restrictions on industry for startup funding capital.
Q) What does “Unsecured” mean?A) Unsecured means that the loan has no collateral to “secure” the lenders loan to you. No collateral means no liens on any sort of property, real or personal. This makes unsecured loans very beneficial for use of down payment assistance on a rehab loan or new construction loan for investment purposes.
Q) Do you require any collateral for funding?A) Nope! Most of our business funding capital is unsecured, meaning we do not require any collateral whatsoever. This makes it ideal for startups, working capital, businesses with a lack of assets, etc
Q) Are your startup funds MCA loans?A) No. Our startup funding is offered through two programs: 1) Term loans, on a 5-7 year term, and 2) unsecured business lines of credit. These are GREAT lower cost alternatives to MCA loans.
Q) How do you qualify applicants for Working Capital loans?A) Our working capital loans are qualifying based on the applicants: Credit score (minimum 680 across all three credit bureaus), Income (We look to your past 2 years Personal Tax Returns for your net income / Adjusted Gross Income), your Debt-to-Income ratio (to qualify for Term Loans), and your overall credit utilization (to qualify for Business lines of credit). **Note, if more capital is required, multiple applicants may apply to obtain a greater funding amount. Each applicant would qualify on their own merit. *** Note, for the Cannabis industry, we may qualify working capital based on your previous 24-mo gross revenue, to be verified with 2-3 years of Personal and Business Tax Returns
Q) Can I add a co-signer to my application?A) Yes and No. Yes, in that if you can’t qualify for funding on your own, you can have another individual apply to qualify. No, in that they won’t be a “co-signer” on your application, they would be their own applicant altogether. Personal loans don’t have co-signers in the typical sense of the term.
Q) What size loan amounts do your offer?A) On business funding, our partner's funding amount ranges from $50,000 to $500,000. On Real Estate transactions (secured) our lenders fund from $67,500 to $50,000,000+
Q) Will you run my credit?A) No, not up front to qualify. Believe it or not, we will NOT run your credit for a prequalification. We believe it’s vitally important to protect your credit throughout your process of securing capital. Rather, we have you provide one for us - this eliminates a hard inquiry on your report. Now the Credit Report you provide us must be a full tri-merge credit report (meaning a complete report from all three credit bureaus: Experian, Transunion, and Equifax). We highly recommend mySCOREiq as they provide a very complete Tri-Merge report for just $1.00. Here’s a link to obtain >> mySCOREiq I Credit Report
Q) Do you charge any upfront fees?A) No, never! Neither MACO nor MACO’s partner will ever ask you for up front fees. Ever. In fact, all fees paid are paid out of the funding that we secure for you, AFTER you’ve received them. You will have $0.00 out of pocket expenses.
Q) Are there any prepayment penalties for the Cash Flow Advance?A) There are no prepayment penalties, however, there is a minimum lock-out period of 3-6 months on most transactions (3-6 months minimum payments) depending on the term of the note and the final approval.
Q) What are the fees for the Cash Flow Advance program?A) There is a 2.00% origination fee, or $3,500 (Minimum) paid out of loan proceeds payable to MACO Financial. There are no other origination, processing, or underwriting fees of any kind. And no upfront fees.
Q) Will you run my credit?A) We do a soft credit pull upon application; however, we do NOT do a hard credit pull and the inquire will not be reflected on your credit report (leaving your credit unaffected). There are no minimum credit score requirements for this program however, and the soft credit pull is to obtain a general grasp of your repayment history as a borrower.
Q) What are typical rates and terms for a Cash Flow Advance?A) Repayment terms and duration will be determined after review of a 12-mo Profit & Loss Statement broken down monthly (including debt service) and after we have an understanding of your existing debt in place (if applicable). Interest 1-5 year Terms Fully Amortizing and set monthly payment structure* $10,000 Minimum advance per entity $2,000,000** Maximum advance per entity 10-16% Annual Financing Fee (10-13% most typical) Cash Flow Assignment is only Collateral (No liens on property) Pre-Payment Deferred Payment Options are available. Required 3+ Months of Payments Held in Cash Reserve * Interest-only may be available on a case-by-case basis during lease up periods, but is not the norm. **Extended approval process over $500,000
Q) Can you advance against Developer Fees?A) Yes! We can provide an advance against Developer Fees if the Developer Agreement outlines monthly income, and you can evidence a history of receipt for this time of income. In this case, we would not evaluate property financials, but rather Historicals from the borrowing entity who holds the Developer Agreement. Send us an e-mail to discuss further at
Q) What is the minimum credit score for a Cash Flow Advance?A) There is no minimum credit score on the Cash Flow Advance program. However, while there is no hard minimum requirement, a soft credit check is performed, and a background is reviewed and evaluated on an individual basis.
Q) Do you require an appraisal?A) No. While appraisals (if you have one) is very helpful and beneficial in our review, the Cash Flow Advance program does not require any appraisals for funding, as we do not require any real estate collateral for these loans. Funding is an Advance against your existing Cash Flow, as determined by a 12-mo Profit & Loss Statement broken down monthly and including debt service.
Q) What types of properties are eligible?A) Most property types will be considered so long as they support a strong net monthly cashflow as determined by a 12-mo Profit & Loss Statement broken down monthly (including debt service). We provide review and quotes in 24-48 hours so we can let you know quickly with just an application and 12-Month Profit & Loss statement. Application | Cash Flow Advance
Q) Can you lend to Foreign Nationals on the Cash Flow Advance program?A) Yes. We can offer the Cash Flow Advance to Foreign Nationals so long as they can legally conduct business in the United States for the full length of the note term. The borrowing entity must also be a U.S. - based entity.
Q) Will this Cash Flow Advance report to my credit?A) No. Our Cash Flow Advances do not report to personal, or business credit, so your credit score and DTI remain fully intact and unaffected. The only collateral for these loans are a pledge against your future Cashflow for the subject property, and either a UCC-1 filing against your entity (LLC, Corp etc) OR an LP-interest in your entity (in which case, there is no UCC-1 filing).
Q) What documentation is required?A) To obtain a preliminary quote for a Cash Flow Advance, we need the following: A trailing 12-mo Profit & Loss Statement that is broken down monthly and which must include debt service (if any debt exists) An application understanding of your existing mortgage note(s) including maturity date, any changes in amortization (going from Interest-Only to Fully Amortizing as 1 example), etc. We obtain this through an application here >> Cash Flow Advance Request Application After a preliminary quote is provided, the following items are required for final Underwriting and Funding: PROPERTY DOCUMENTS Lease Agreements Details -- addresses, OTA links Description of CapEx expenses Most recent mortgage/debt statement Mortgage Note Refinancing documentation from past two years STR Insurance or Home Insurance Policy Management Agreement(s) (if applicable) Flood / Fire insurance policy (if applicable) Required Permits (if applicable) HOA covenants and bylaws (if applicable) Most recent appraisal (if available) ENTITY DOCUMENTS 12 months Profit and Loss Statement(s) broken down by month Balance Sheet Operating Agreement Articles of Incorporation EIN Letter Connect bank account(s) via secure online portal Any other documents that outline debt or funding at the business or property level
Q) Can you cross-collateralize multiple properties or entities?A) Yes. We can review and underwrite multiple entities if you own a portfolio that is held under various LLCs (or other Corp entities). The max funding permitted per entity is $2,000,000.
Q) How fast can you close?A) Cash Flow Advances can close quick! On average, quotes takes 24-48 hours once we have a Trailing 12-Mo P&L, broken down monthly, and that includes debt service. Once your quote is delivered and you accept, final underwriting and funding takes an average of 5-7 days. Much larger loan requests or complicated income and expenses can take longer to review, but it will depend greatly on you as the borrower to provide detailed, clear, and organized documentation. First step is an application, and uploading the P&L (can be uploaded in the application itself, or emailed to Application | Cash Flow Advance
Q) Can this be used for Gap Funding on a new real estate purchase?A) Yes. This is a very common use of funds! There are absolutely no restrictions on the use of proceeds from the Cash Flow Advance program, so you can utilize these funds for anything. There are a few avenues to make this work: 1. You can either obtain an advance against another properties Net Cashflow from your existing REO / Portfolio. 2. On purchase transactions, the new subject property, if net cash flow positive, may be underwritten for the advance. **Important: For scenario #2, the seller must be willing to assist in providing you with the required financials required for underwriting (12-Mo Trailing P&L and 12-Mos Bank Statements at minimum), in order to also utilize the NEW Properties projected cashflow to support a new Cash Flow Advance. We would need to review the historical expenses, and then also understand the new debt/mortgage terms for your senior financing on the property to calculate projected net monthly cashflow. Additionally, the cash flow advance can be structured as either as a simple advance with a UCC-1 Filing against your borrowing entity - OR - as a LP in your borrowing entity with no voting rights, in which case no UCC-1 Filing would occur. The latter option makes us appear as an equity partner to your new mortgage provider on your real estate transaction, and therefore is not a loan for down payment and closing costs (which many lenders do not allow). A proof of funds letter may be available to provide to your senior lender once 100% of underwriting has been completed for the Cash Flow Advance.
Q) What states do you lend in for the Cash Flow Advance program?A) All 50 U.S. States and Territories, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Because this program is an advance and a pledge against future cash flow, and not a loan, we are not geographically restricted.
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